His C ability equips a bot that can be placed on the ground to mark enemies.
When an enemy is in its radius it will shoot down a radius that slows them down and notifies you.
This can also be destroyed by enemies.
His Q ability equips another weapon that is personal to him.
It acts like a sheriff except you can scope in to increase the accuracy.
It has 8 bullets max and you must buy the bullets for 150 credits.
His E ability equips a teleporter that can be placed anywhere for him to teleport too.
There is a limited radius for him to teleport and it can be destroyed by enemies.
Everytime you teleport there is a 30 second radius.
His X ultimate equips a sniper with 5 bullets maximum.
When you kill an enemy it will place a slowing radius similar to his C ability.
The slowing radius will be placed for 4 seconds everytime.